
Five measures. Five senses.

520senses1-e1279409821854 - adjustedRed Pentameter helps clients tell their best stories. Persuasive, tactical stories. Inviting stories that use concrete language to excite emotion. Because when a brand appeals to the senses as much as the intellect, it moves people. To think, to act, to keep coming back.

From subtle tweaks in messaging to flagrant verbal reinvention, Red Pentameter shapes and broadcasts brand stories in print, on air and online. Together we’ll investigate what sets you apart, who you want to reach, what you hope to achieve. From there,  we’ll  hone a strategy to put your best story forward.

Verbal Identity

  • Brand Voice & Story Development
  • Messaging Priority & Organization
  • Communication Strategy
  • Brand Language Style Guides


  • Web & Print Copywriting
  • Naming & Packaging
  • Advertising & Marketing Campaigns
  • Multimedia & Promotional Scripts
  • Annual Reports, Case Studies, White Papers